Thomas Instrumentation has developed and manufactured several products for the defense industry since its establishment in 1971. Tom and Cassandra Gluyas both started their engineering careers working on defense projects and welcome the opportunity to do more.
Prior to the creation of Thomas Instrumentation, Tom worked for Willow Run Laboratories on many non-publicized military projects that aided in the Vietnam War. In 2008, Cassandra was hired by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics to work in their Special Programs division of SkunkWorks. There she gained invaluable experience working on non-publicized military surveillance systems that required MIL-SPEC hardware and ISO 9001 certification. She also spent a great deal of time interfacing with government officials and training Air Force operators for their missions during the war in Afghanistan.
With our engineer’s combined wealth of experience, Thomas Instrumentation gives its defense customers an advantage in the following ways:
Test Stands for Military Equipment
One of our newer customers came to us for a specialized test stand they’ll use to verify their MIL-SPEC products. They were very happy with the first stand and returned to us for another one to support a second product. Since we regularly build test stands for our own systems, this was a good project for us.
Upgrading/Replicating Obsolete Products
With defense products, many times the government resists changes/upgrades in order to keep their useful systems the same and operational. However, eventually all electronics will fail and someone will have to replace and/or upgrade that system. Since Thomas Instrumentation has been in business over 48 years, we have the experience and contacts necessary to find customers a solution. In the past we have even manufactured several wire-wrap boards per customer documentation to solve their immediate problem. If we can’t replicate it, then we will work with you to modify or upgrade the electronics. We’re here for you.
New Systems
Most new systems in the defense industry are at the forefront of our current technologies or already beyond them. At Thomas Instrumentation, our engineers keep up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends. They have seen things that appear impossible become possible, and therefore believe they can solve any problem. New systems also require strict standards of quality which Cassandra has become quite familiar with during her time at Lockheed Martin.